Wadi El-Hitan Egypt

Safari Tour From Cairo To Wadi El-Hitan Egypt


Wadi El-Hitan Egypt

  • Wadi El-Hitan, Egypt is an incredible natural wonder located in the Western Desert of Egypt. It is a protected area that was declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005 and it has been described as one of the most important paleontological sites in the world for its extensive fossil remains.
  • The site contains over 40 million year old fossils from some of Earth’s earliest whales, which were discovered here by renowned paleontologist Dr. Zeinab Khattab during her research expedition to Wadi El-Hitan in 2002. The remains are incredibly well preserved due to their burial within sandstone layers and they provide invaluable insight into whale evolution throughout history with evidence suggesting that these ancient whales had four legs instead of two like modern day cetaceans do today! This makes them especially unique when compared to other species found at this site or elsewhere on earth.
  • This amazing location also features striking desert landscapes with rolling dunes and rugged rock formations which make for breathtaking views while exploring this incredible place! Visitors can explore various trails around Wadi El-Hitan such as Whale Valley Trail where you can find numerous fossils along your journey through time or take part in educational activities offered by local tour operators who specialize specifically on this region’s rich history and cultural heritage . Whether you’re looking for an adventure filled getaway or just want to learn more about our planet’s past life forms – Wadi El Hitan won’t disappoint!

Safari Tour From Cairo To Wadi El-Hitan Egypt

Day -1 / Itinerary

  • Depart early in the morning at 7am from Cairo be private car pick up service to Fayoum around  2 hour then will visit -Wadi El Hitan, the museum -Wadi Al Hittan Fossil –
  • Climate Change Museum – hiking around 15 spots of the fossils 
  • hundreds of fossils of some of the earliest forms of Whales
  •  Have lunch Then visit the Lake of Qarun – straight to Wadi Rayan – National Park, the water fale Then stop
  • Set up Bedouin campsite on middle of big Sand dunes Enjoy dinner around the campfire.

Our service.

• The tour including pick up service.  
• Jeep car safari tour 
• 4 meals 
• Lunch 
• Dinner in desert camping 
• Breakfast in desert 
• Lunch before drop off in Cairo 
• English Guide Tour 
• sand board
• Fruit, hot and soft drinks

• Mineral water during the tour          • Mattresses -Blankets – Sleeping bag 

Day 2

Day 2:  After breakfast to climb up – Jabal Al Modawara – Magic Lake , Then back to Cairo .

Badry Sahara Camp